Saturday, Oct 12th 2024

The door has opened and you are kindly invited to learn how to embrace perfection and ultimate happiness through "The Gathering of The Sparks " Wisdom of the Kabbalah Seminars.


Recent Blog Posts

  • Learning from a Child and a Thief

    LEARNING from a child and a thief.
    From various sources and from Samuel Ben-Or Avital

    מִכָּל מְלַמְּדַי הִשְֹכַּלְתִּי כִּי עֵדְוֹתֶיךָ שִֹיחָה לִי: תהלים קיט. צט
    From all my teachers I have understanding; for your testimonials are my meditations. Psalms 119. 99.

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  • Welcome to the Kabbalah Now Blog

    This is good moment to welcome you to our new KABBALAH NOW website, and share with you a story that marked my life and directed me toward my “spiritual journey,” which I also call my “Spiritual Archeology,”

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About Kabbalah Now

Kabbalah is both a concealed and revealed vast body of knowledge, a practical science of wisdom that one can learn easily, intuitively and logically, and available today to those who are honestly ready and seeking the authentic knowledge in "this world and beyond."