Tuesday, Feb 18th 2025

Here's What They Are Saying About Kabbalah Now, Samuel Avital and BodySpeak™

“How do the Sephiroth dance?  What is the face of Geburah?

How does one walk on Netzah and Hod?

Shemouel Ben Or Avital teachers a Kabbalistic Tai-Chi in which God and

Man are fused in Mime.  If only my teachers could have mimed

the world of Yetzirah, how much more I would know of the light today.

Shemouel is a Kabbalist’s Kabbalist.”

Reb Zalman Schachter-Shalomi, Boulder, CO, June 11, 1975


“Samuel Avital is a true treasure of wisdom - he comes from a long line of

Kabbalists, and has steeped himself in the study of this mystical tradition.

I spent a month studying one letter (Aleph) with him, and it opened my eyes to

the Universe. Don't miss this opportunity to sit at the knee of the real deal. ‎

Samuel is one of my favorite teachers of all time.

If you have the chance to study with him, don't miss out!”


Lion Goodman, on Facebook, Friday May 4, 2012


“I think that Samuel’s work is important. He brings awareness to the soul of people

and gives the dedicated artists who work under his direction the need,

dedication, and love for the world of silence and the beautiful art of movement."

Marcel Marceau - "Bip" Denver 1973



“He forms mass, makes it appear in space, move within and around it,

stirs up new realities that never were, until he thought of them;

reflects absurdities that no one looked at until they appeared in his mirror of life;

conjures people that no one has seen because they are the self...in short,

he is the master of the universe, yet can be claimed by no object within it.

He knows, remembers, understands, feels, senses with all his heart.

What more is there to say about a man?

E.J. Gold, Fourth Way Teacher.  Grass Valley, CA. 1976


“Samuel Avital is an artist of conscious life, conscious theatre and cosmic laughter.

When the madness of the world starts to get me down I am lifted by the knowledge

that men like Samuel exist.  He remains unique, elusive, profound, demanding,

dedicated, theatrical, passionate, and one of the most vibrant teachers I have ever encountered.


Mark Olsen, Actor, Director, Author, Teacher, New York, NY, 1982.


“When I first heard Samuel Avital speak in the ways of the Kabbalah, a single luminous

star appeared in the sky. As I continued to attend the Gatherings of the Sparks

and listen to Samuel's words, gradually more and more stars began appearing.

Before long, patterns and constellations started to reveal themselves until finally I

began to see my own life as part of this grand design.

“One of Samuel's great gifts to his students is to uncover how the ancient stories

and the ancient wisdom of the Kabbalah connect and resonate with the most

intimate and essential matters of our own lives in this very moment.

“As a witness to numerous encounters in a wide variety of contexts,

I see clearly that the lives of those who come into openhearted contact with

Samuel Avital are greatly benefited and deeply enriched.”


Paul Russell, Musician, Yoga Instructor, Boulder, CO. Aug 2007.


“Working with Samuel in "The Gathering of the Sparks" nourishes my Soul.

No matter what is going on in my life, the Kabbalistic jewels that Samuel offers

enrich my experience on many levels.  This inspirational level of learning

provides and ancient tool for evolving consciousness that is applicable

and fresh in the modern world as well.


"Samuel wields the tools of Bodyspeak with mastery, enthusiasm and humor.

I thought I knew the language of my body before, but was lacking fluency,

clarity and grace!  BodySpeak has increased by communication skills by teaching me

to truly incorporate physical expression into the wholeness of my being.

Thank you, Samuel!"


Lisa Schiavone, Director of The Archetypal Academy, Psychotherapist, Educator, Boulder, CO - Aug 2007.


I cannot tell you how by studying Kabbalah with Samuel Avital my room became clean

and my files became organized, or why I stopped tripping on rugs and dropping

dishes and started doing favors for my roommates.

I didn't expect that drinking a glass of water of speaking briefly with a friend could

become more meaningful than all of my previous spiritual experiences.

Then Samuel sent me on a trip to the shopping mall to

learn one of the deeper meanings of life.


"From all that I have seen, the Kabbalist walks a dangerous and beautiful line,

balancing on the knife-edge between the ordinary world and what is beyond.

This art is for the person, who is less interested in having someone else

tell him the supposed "answers", than in discovering, doing, and being the answer for himself.

You can ask Samuel if the entire world really is one, just don't expect a reply.

Expect a trail of bread-crumbs and an exploration,

at the end of which you no longer need anyone else to tell you the truth."


Devorah Henderson, Environmental Entrepreneur, Singer, Boulder, CO. Aug 2007.


“Samuel is a gift.  He serves a magical menu of choices, which let us, play our way

along the path of return, all the time making us aware of the fundamental

importance of our physical bodies in the journey.

We are engaged, challenged, and then fully equipped with the tools

needed to reclaim our Divine inheritance.

Don't miss the chance to experience this gift when he offers it to you.”


Jack Dawson, Student of life, Kabbalah, and BodySpeak. Boulder, CO, Aug 2007.



About Kabbalah Now

Kabbalah is both a concealed and revealed vast body of knowledge, a practical science of wisdom that one can learn easily, intuitively and logically, and available today to those who are honestly ready and seeking the authentic knowledge in "this world and beyond."